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Cold-Weather Installation Guide

Working with Low-Slope Roofing Materials When Temperatures Dip

Cold-Weather Installation Guide hero

Applying Helix® Max Low-Rise Adhesive in Cold Weather

Temperature Tipping Points

Substrate and ambient temperatures must be at least 25 F during application.

Adhesive temperature is very important. Container and adhesive temperatures must be at least 70 F – with the internal material temperature between 70 F and 90 F – when the adhesive is applied.

When the ambient temperature is lower than 50 F, the adhesive must be kept warm.

Guidelines and Best Practices

Do not allow the product to freeze.

Initial rise time and insulation placement will be affected by environmental conditions. The adhesive will react more quickly in hot, moist environments and more slowly in cool, dry conditions.

The use of heated blankets to keep the adhesive warm is recommended if the ambient temperature is 50 F or lower during application.

The use of warming bands to keep the product warm is not recommended. Warming may be uneven, with adhesive near the band becoming too warm and adhesive further away from the band becoming too cool.

Note: The above are general guidelines. Please consult the Product Data Sheet (PDS) for additional information.

The Cold-Weather Installation Guide was last updated November 2023. Any information provided is subject to change without notice. Please refer to this online guide for the latest information.